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Resident Evil: The Official Comic Magazine was a five-part series of monthly comics released by DC comics in 1998.Each issue was a compilation of short stories that were both adaptations of events from the games (alluded and depicted), as well as related side-stories. This series of issues were followed by the Resident Evil: Fire and Ice series.
Like the S.D. Perry novels, the comics also explored events occurring beyond Resident Evil 2 (the latest game during the series' publication) and thus were contradicted by later games. The following are a few examples:
That the name of the Kendo Gun Shop owner is "George." His name was later revealed to be Robert.
That lickers are the product of the G-virus, rather than being mutated zombies, and thus t-Virus creatures.
That the G-Virus and t-Virus are mostly interchangeable. Several stories in the comics depict zombies being created as a result of the G-Virus, and animals and humans being seemingly impregnated by the mutated William Birkin turning into zombies upon rejecting the G-embryo, instead of the infant mutant bursting from their bodies.
That Raccoon City's infection was the result of a test tube containing a t-Virus sample being flung into a river when the Spencer Mansion blew up, and this contaminated its water supply.
That the release of the t-Virus at the mansion was a deliberate act on the part of Umbrella, to test its effects on humans, when in reality this was caused by James Marcus, and Umbrella had been testing the t-Virus on human subjects for some time prior to the outbreak.
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Download CAPCOMICS Resident Evil Comics Series Complete
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