Senin, 04 Februari 2013

The Transformers UK 241-260


Info :

An eight-issue limited series from 2003 written by Brad Mick aka James McDonough and Adam Patyk (the shapers of Dreamwave's G1 title and its overall Transformers continuity) with art by most of the Dreamwave artists, it featured bios of all the Transformers released as toys in the United States (with the exception of several of the Action Masters). The character entries were done in the same style as the 1986 Marvel limited series, Transformers Universe, with page long bios and art of the characters in both their robot and alternate forms. The character bios included expanded information from the original toys' tech specs, as well as new character development from the Dreamwave Transformers continuity. Issues one through seven contain the character bios, while issue number eight contains entries for key Transformer locations, ideas and technology. The first pages of issue one and the last pages of issue eight feature a mini-comic about where all the information presented in the limited series is coming from, and who is accessing it, which was a prequel story to the Beast Wars television series. The series proved to be popular, and a subsequent More Than Meets The Eye miniseries debuted the next year, this time covering Transformers: Armada. However, in light of the comic's success, there was some negative reception by fans who felt that more biographies of characters in the Generation One cartoon series (more notably the female Autobots and Devcon) should have been added to the comics. In contrast, many characters from the 1986 movie (later added to the cartoon series' third season) were added, such as the Quintessons, their Sharkticons, and amphibious Allicons.

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Download The Transformers UK 241-260

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